Sabtu, 10 September 2011

Miss Columbia Catalina Robayo Tak Bercelana Dalam

...Miss Columbia Catalina Robayo Tak Bercelana Dalam...

Kontroversi mewarnai ajang Miss Universe, yang telah memasuki tahun ke-60. Kali ini bukan soal pemakaian bikini dalam salah satu sesi penjurian, tapi ulah kontestan asal Kolombia, Catalina Robayo, yang nekat mengenakan busana tanpa memakai celana dalam.

Seorang fotografer media menangkap basah aksi Robayo saat tengah duduk berbalut busana mini warna orange. Hasil jepretan yang terpampang di sebuah surat kabar itu jelas mencoreng pejabat Yayasan Miss Universe yang berkumpul di lokasi karantina, Sao Paolo, Brazil.

"Kolombia harus berbicara dan menegur perwakilannya untuk memakai celana dalam, apa yang telah dilakukannya (Robayo) benar-benar tidak pantas," kata seorang sumber kepada Fox News. "Masyarakat malu melihatnya terpampang di media dengan mengumbar selangkangan. "

Presiden Yayasan Miss Universe, Paula Shugart, lemas saat mendengar kabar itu dari salah satu timnya. "Ada banyak wanita yang berbalut gaun mini yang menjadi pusat perhatian, tetapi ketika saya melihat foto itu (aksi Robayo) di halaman depan surat kabar, saya sungguh terkejut. "

"Tim pengawas kami sudah menjelaskan kepada seluruh kontestan tentang cara berbusana yang tepat. Salah satu tim kami juga sudah berbicara kepada Robayo, dan ia mengatakan pakai celana dalam. Tapi, bagaimana pun juga kasus itu sudah cukup mengaduk-aduk kondisi di sini selama beberapa hari."

Sebelum kasus Robayo mencuat, perhelatan Miss Universe juga menjadi sorotan saat panitia mengembalikan bikini dari Catalina Brazil Swimwear yang menjadi salah satu sponsor. Pakaian renang itu dianggap terlalu minim untuk dikenakan para kontestan.

Grand final kontes ratu sejagad itu akan digelar di Hotel Hilton, Sao Paolo, Brasil pada 12 September mendatang. Sebanyak 89 kontestan, termasuk Putri Indonesia Nadine Alexandra Dewi Ames telah menjalani masa karantina di mulai 21 Agustus hingga 11 September mendatang. (ren)


Miss Colombia Catalina Robayo pulled a Lindsay Lohan last week when she flashed the crowd during an official Miss Universe appearance while wearing a short orange dress.

The 22-year-old is competing in the pageant, spearheaded by Donald Trump, and wore a tiny skirt, but forgot to bring along her panties. Wow, the things contestants will do to win points with the judges!

A local newspaper took photos of the event – and the crotch shot photo was reportedly on the front paper of the newspaper. Roboyo had on a short bright coral dress and was sitting down – and didn’t have her legs crossed like she should have. (Photo, right, has been cropped). Let’s just say Miss Universe officials were not pleased.

“Colombia had to be spoken to and told she needed to wear underpants as what she was doing was totally inappropriate,” a source told Fox News. “People have been pretty upset by it; there have been photos and media appearances where she has completely had her crotch out.”

President of the Miss Universe Organization, Paula Shugart, was reportedly “floored” when she heard what happened, Donald Trump has not commented, but he probably likes the publicity!

"There were several girls in short dresses which is was a little concerning, but when I saw the (commando) picture on the front page of one of the local papers and was very, very surprised,” Shugart said. “Our supervisors talked to all of the contestants about dressing appropriately, and one of our PR people spoke to her (Robayo) and apparently she said she was wearing underwear. But regardless, it created quite a stir here for a few days.”

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